Color For A Developing Child

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May 31, 2015
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Color For A Developing Child

color whimsical

color whimsical

From day one we design our child’s room to reflect a warm and nurturing environment.  Many parents chose inviting pastel colors that send a calm caring message as you enter the room.  As the child grows these colors usually migrate to vibrant hues that stimulate the child’s natural curiosity and promote the recognition of their surroundings.  During this growth curve we also have the opportunity to use color as a learning tool.  Sorting out colored blocks, identifying colors on picture cards and so on.  Engaging a child in color recognition games in my opinion is bound to support their cognitive development. They will also be using their language skills as they identify the colors for you.


At roughly 5 children also start to develop favorite’s, including color’s.  This is certainly an important part of their personal growth and developing personality.   Understanding,  just how important color is to a developing child, we took extra time selecting the new StepUp line of colors.  We wanted to offer parents and caregivers lots of options but at the same time, hit home the basic color groups that surround a learning child.  To organize this we can up with 2 modern color groups the “Technical” and “Whimsical” themes.

Because the StepUp chair line was designed to grow with the child we also set the color tones to have lasting appeal regardless if the chair was in a young child’s room or even a university dorm room!  We hope you like our color options and recognize how color can be a valuable tool in your child’s development.  

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