Growth and Natural Development

Keeping it Green!
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Holding the “Made in America” flag high! Can be costly…..
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Growth and Natural Development

Several years ago a friend who works in the healthcare field suggested the Step Up chair would be great for kids with compromised balance and coordination. I acknowledged this idea but really didn’t give it much thought. A few years later as the chair project was coming together I started to hear extra comments related to the chairs health benefits. The idea really made sense after attending a parenting seminar. The expert spoke of how we slow down our kids development by being overly protective. She went on to say this also happens around the dinner table. After the seminar finished I showed her a 3D model of the chair. She was fascinated and said the concept of children seating themselves would do wonders for their esteem and self confidence.

I was now realizing the simple Step Up concept was developing into something far more than just a convenient way for kids to get in and out of their chair. In January of 2015 I learned about a child development study called the Inch Program.

The programs lead researcher opened a discussion with Up Wee Go to conduct a full study on the Step Up chair. They actually just purchased a set of wooden steps to determine if children growing up in apartments may lack certain developmental advantages, due to the absence of steps. The researcher says that the Step Up chair could possibly supplement this absence. We are very excited about this research and look forward to continuing our support!